Friday, June 15, 2018

5X Your FREE Time & Still Rock at Teaching

Remember when you first dreamt of becoming a teacher? If you're like me, I bet you were so excited to pump your students up with all kinds of newfound enthusiasm for learning. You couldn't wait to see their eyes light up when they made a new discovery. 

You probably loved the idea of pouring all your creativity into a career that you knew was going to make a difference in kids' lives. And...hey. Let's not forget about the summers off!

You were sure teaching was going to be your dream job. 

But somewhere along the way, things got to be a lot harder than you ever imagined. Maybe very slowly, or maybe not-so-slowly...teaching began to take over more of your life than you anticipated. 

So you found yourself feeling torn. Wanting to be the best teacher you could be, but also wanting to have a life outside of the classroom. Wanting more time for your family. Wishing you didn't have to feel brain-drained all the time. Frustrated that you don't have enough energy to take better care of yourself. Trying to ignore the dust bunnies and overflowing laundry baskets. And doing everything in your power to keep up with your never-ending to-do lists. 

Well, maybe you've just hit summer break and you feel like you can finally breathe again. Sleep again. Lighten up on your to-do's and not feel guilty about it. 


It's an amazing feeling to be a teacher at the beginning of summer, isn't it? There's so much time and space ahead of you now. You can enjoy life to the fullest. Take a little time to reflect on the past school year... And look forward with hopefulness and optimism for the year ahead.

So now is THE perfect time to think about what you want to be different next year. 

Because next year really CAN be different. 

But only if you decide that's what you want AND take action. 


What would you want to be different in your #teacherlife next year? 

A little while ago, my friend and I asked over 150 teachers what the #1 thing was that they were struggling with and wish they could change. I bet you can guess what evvvveryone said. 

"I wish I had more time."

"There's nevvvvver enough time."

"I wish I could be more present and have more time with my family." 

I wish there was more time to keep up with the laundry, cook healthier meals, and NOT have mountains of laundry piling up everywhere. 

"I wish there was more time to sleep. More time to exercise. More time for ME." 

Well, I have the best news. 

If what you reeeally want is MORE TIME when school starts again, you can have it. 

And you're just inches away from a major breakthrough in your teacher life. 

{Bye-bye, #teachertired} 

I have been hard at work behind the scenes helping my friend Kelli Wise create something AMAZING just for you. 

Kelli has made it her mission in life to figure out what it takes for teachers to eradicate overwhelm from their lives-- for good. 

She is hosting a BRAND NEW *free* workshop where she is going to break down exactly what it takes to get ALL the free time you want for the things that matter most in your life so you can show up as the best version of yourself both in AND out of school. 

This free workshop is called


5X Your FREE TIME & Still Rock at Teaching 

Yep, you really CAN enjoy as much life outside of the classroom as you want and STILL be a great teacher. 

I know, because I DID IT with Kelli's help!  And now she would like to show you how it's done because it doesn't come naturally, or by wishing on a star, or by cloning yourself. 

But it's not as hard as you might think. 

When I finally learned how to approach each day differently- with brand new ways of thinking and a system for prioritizing and planning for the things that matter most...

That's when everything changed for me.  

And I know it's 100% possible for you too. 

If you wanna have more free time in your school year ahead than you've ever had before, you belong at the free workshop, my friend. 

Kelli is going to show you the step-by-step path to rebalancing your teacher life. 

You're going to see how radically different this path is compared to what you probably see all the other teachers in your school doing. But you'll also see how the simple tools and strategies that Kelli is going to share with you are the missing pieces of the puzzle for living your best #teacherlife. 

And they're not band-aids. They are lasting solutions. 

So save your spot 'cause space is limited. 

I can't wait to see you there! 

Click the link below to register!

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