Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Declutter Like a Mother

6 Tips To Help You Reduce Clutter and Organize Your Home This Summer 

I say it every summer. “This summer I am going to organize my house!” Yet, somehow August is here before I know it and my house looks more like an episode of Hoarders than a picture from Magnolia Homes. {Okay…maybe not THAT bad, but you get the point.}

It has happened nearly every summer. But, NOT this year! I am on a mission to clear the clutter out of my home and out of my life. If you would like to do the same, but don’t know where to start, I am here to help you organize your home in 6 easy steps.

·      Make a Prioritized List
o  Organizing your house can seem like a daunting task. Just like you would chunk a large assignment for your students, you need to tackle your house in the same fashion. Make a list of the rooms/areas of your house you want to organize. Rank them in order of which room you want to do first, second, and so on. Remember the age-old question; How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you organize your whole house? One room at a time. 

·      One Room At a Time
o  Once you have your list, focus on each room or area separately. Think about what it is you need to do to make that room a happy, clutter-free space. Will you need to purchase storage shelving or containers? Do you want to rearrange the layout of the furniture? Redecorate? Paint? Steam clean the carpet? Whatever it is, make a plan of attack.

·      Accept That You Must Make a HUGE Mess Before You Can Organize
o  As a self-proclaimed “Neat Freak” the thought of making a mess on purpose sends my anxiety through the roof. However, in order to declutter, you must take everything out of its space/place and sort it into one of three piles. Literally, touch and move every little thing in that space and categorize it. I warn you, the room will be a complete disaster. Know that going into it, accept it, embrace it, and know it will be worth it when you can enjoy your newly organized space.

·      Make 3 Piles- Keep, Donate, and THROW AWAY
o  Remember those 3 piles I just mentioned? Sort each and every item into one of three piles. Yes, every single, itty, bitty item. Go through closets, drawers, shelves, bins, cabinets, piles…EVERYTHING! Then decide which pile to put it in. 
o  Keep- Items you use regularly or have deep, deep, DEEP sentimental value.
o  Donate- Items you haven’t used in the past year or anything you no longer want or need.
o  Throw Away- Items that are broken, damaged, outdated, outgrown, incomplete, or plain old junk. I live by the rule; When in doubt, THROW IT OUT!

·      Save It For a Rainy or Super Hot Day
o  I personally like to save my organization days for a day when you would not want to be outside. Rainy days or super hot days are perfect for organizing. What better reason to stay home and tackle your clutter?

·      Treat Yourself 
o After a long day of organizing, you deserve a pat on the back. You’ve worked hard and you’re tired. It’s time to treat yourself for a job well done. A few of my favorite post-organization day treats are;
·      Ordering takeout for dinner {Because who wants to cook after cleaning ALL day?}
·      Taking a nice long bubble bath
·      Drinking a refreshing beverage from a fancy coffee place
·      Chilling on the couch the rest of the night
·      Relaxing or reading in the newly organized space

Whatever floats your boat, make sure to reward yourself after you proudly cross an item off your summer to-do list! A decluttered and organized home will reduce your stress and allow you to relax even more this summer. 

Do you have any summer organization tips to add? If so, please share in the comments below. 

Happy Organizing! 

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